Official statistics help decision makers develop informed policies that impact millions of people. Improved data sources, sound statistical methods, new technologies and strengthened statistical systems enable better decisions that eventually result in better lives for all of us. On 20 October 2015, the global statistical community will showcase their achievements and their ongoing work to help this vision come true.World Statistics Day was celebrated for the first time on 20 October 2010 worldwide. The United Nations Statistical Commission declared the day. As of 2010, 103 countries celebrate a national Statistics Day, including 51 African countries that jointly celebrate African Statistics Day annually on 18 November.
At its 41st Session in February 2010, the United Nations Statistical Commission proposed celebrating 20 October 2010 as World Statistics Day (Decision 41/109).Acknowledging that the production of reliable, timely statistics and indicators of countries’ progress is indispensable for informed policy decisions and monitoring implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, the General Assembly adopted on 3 June 2010 Resolution A/64/267, which officially designated 20 October 2010 as the first ever World Statistics Day. WSD was celebrated every five year.
2015 Theme: “Better data, better lives”
This is the second World Statistics Day. This year’s theme emphasizes the critical role of high-quality official statistical information in analysis and informed policy decision-making in support of sustainable development. It also reflects the importance of sustainable national statistical capacity to produce reliable and timely statistics and indicators measuring a country’s progress.The UN General Assembly decided with resolution 69/282 to celebrate the day every five years from now on.
The Assembly also noted that 2015 marks the bicentenary of the birth of George Boole, whose work on the application of the principles of logic as a form of algebra underpins modern computer science. The first World Statistics Day was celebrated in 2010, as decided in resolution 64/267, and was deemed an overwhelming success, with activities organized in more than 130 Member States and by at least 40 international and regional organizations and entities
WSD 2015 Launch video
The C.R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (AIMSCS) located in Kolkata is organizing a talk entitled “Better statistics, better lives” by Dr TJ Rao, Former Chairman, National Sample Survey, Former Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.The event will take place on 20 October 2015, 4pm at the Auditorium, RAMANUJAN Building, AIMSCS, University of Hyderabad Campus, Prof CR Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500 046.On the occasion of World Statistics Day, the Department of Community Medicine, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences of the Swami Rama Himalayan University is conducting the First Annual Symposium on Clinical Biostatistics on 20 October 2015 under the theme of: “Application of Bio statistical methods in Epidemiological study designs”. The annual symposium on Clinical Bio-Statistics 2015 is a scientific forum for national exchange of theory, methods and applications of biostatistics in medical research and practice. It will enable participants to know the pre requisites for application of various statistical methods and to select the appropriate test for the study designs as well as interpretation.The symposium is intended for statisticians, clinicians and members of other disciplines, such as epidemiologists, clinical chemists and clinical pharmacologists, nursing & other paramedical staff, interested in the field of clinical biostatistics.
The School of Bio-Technology of the National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) in Keralam, Bharatham (India) is inviting NITC staff to a workshop on “Statistical Principles in Live Sciences” on World Statistics Day.
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