Friday, May 29, 2015

XII Statistics - First two chapters

രണ്ടാം വർഷത്തെ ടെക്സ്റ്റ് ബുക്കിന്റെ ആദ്യത്തെ രണ്ട് പാഠങ്ങൾ SCERT പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു. താഴെ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അത് ലഭ്യമാണ്.
Statistics XII - First two chapters

Comment  കളും Review  കളും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങളുടെ  അഭിപ്രായങ്ങൾ തീർച്ചയായും അറിയിക്കുക.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Higher Secondary Statistics XII - syllabus

രണ്ടാം വര്ഷ ഹയര് സെക്കണ്ടറി ക്ലാസ്സിലെ പുതുക്കിയ സിലബസ് കാണുക. അധ്യാപകര്ക്കും കുട്ടികള്ക്കും വളരെ സഹായകരമാണ്.കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ തുടര്ന്നും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുക

1.       Correlation Analysis
1.1.    Meaning of Correlation
1.2.    Types of Correlation - Positive, Negative, Zero
1.3.    Methods of studying Correlation – Scatter diagram, coefficient of correlation.
1.3.1     Scatter diagram
1.3.2     Coefficient of Correlation:
                              Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation,
                              Spearman’s Rank correlation

2.       Regression Analysis
2.1.    Concept of Regression.
2.2.    Regression Lines.
2.2.1.       Principle of Least Squares.
2.2.2.       Equation of Regression Lines.
2.2.3.       Properties of regression coefficients.
2.2.4.       Identification of Regression Lines.
2.3.     Relation between Correlation and Regression.

3.       Elementary Calculus
3.1.    Differentiation
3.1.1.        Concept and Meaning.
3.1.2.        Derivatives of Polynomial functions.
3.1.3.        Successive Differentiation.
3.1.4.        Increasing and decreasing functions- turning points.
3.1.5.        Maxima and Minima
3.2.    Integration
3.2.1.        Concept and Meaning
3.2.2.        Integrals of Polynomial Functions
3.2.3.        Definite integrals

4.       Random Variables
4.1.    Random Variables- Discrete and Continuous
4.2.    Discrete Random Variables
4.2.1.      Probability mass function (pmf)
4.2.2.      Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)
4.2.3.      Mathematical Expectation , Mean and Variance
4.3.    Continuous Random Variables
4.3.1.      Probability density function (pdf)
4.3.2.      Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)
4.3.3.      Mathematical Expectation , Mean and Variance

5.       Discrete Probability Distributions
5.1.    Binomial Distribution
5.1.1.        Bernoulli trial
5.1.2.        Probability Mass Function
5.1.3.        Mean and Variance
5.1.4.        Problems on Binomial Distribution
5.2.    Poisson Distribution
5.2.1.                        Probability Mass Function
5.2.2.                        Mean and Variance
5.2.3.      Poisson Distribution –  An approximation of Binomial Distribution
5.2.4.      Problems on Poisson Distribution

6.       Continuous Probability Distributions
6.1.    Normal Distribution
6.1.1.            Normal Probability Density function
6.1.2.            Mean and Variance
6.1.3.            Normal curve and its properties.
6.2.    Standard Normal Distribution
6.2.1.            Z – transformation and Z – score
6.2.2.            Standard Normal Tables
6.3.    Problems on Normal Distributions.

7.       Sampling  Distributions
7.1.    Parameter and Statistic
7.2.    Sampling Distribution and Standard Error
7.3.    Probability Distribution of Sample Mean
7.4.    Central Limit Theorem (statement only)
7.5.    Chi-Square , Student’s  t and Snedecor’s F statistics
7.5.1.            Definition
7.5.2.            Properties
7.5.3.            Relationship
7.5.4.            Statistical tables

8         Estimation of parameters.
8.1       Statistical inference
8.2       Estimation of Parameters
8.2.1  Point Estimation
8.2.2  Properties  of a Good Estimator
Unbiasedness, Consistency, Sufficiency and Efficiency
8.2.3  Method of Moments
8.2.4  Interval Estimation
8.2.5  Interval Estimation of Sample Mean

9         Testing of Hypothesis
9.1       Statistical Hypothesis
9.2       Test statistic and Critical Region
9.3       Type I and Type II Errors
9.4       Level of Significance and Power of Test
9.5       Test for significance of Single Mean (small sample & large sample)
9.6       Test for significance for equality of two Means (large sample)
9.7       Chi-square test for independence of attributes

10     Analysis of Variance
10.1      Causes of variations
10.2      Assumptions underlying ANOVA
10.3      One way ANOVA

11     Statistical Quality Control
11.1      Meaning of  Quality
11.2      Causes of variations
11.3      Variable Control Charts (
11.4      Attribute Control Charts (D chart)

12     Time Series Analysis
12.1        Components of Time series
12.2        Trend analysis
12.2.1      Free- hand curve method
12.2.2      Method of semi averages
12.2.3      Method of moving averages
12.2.4      Method of least squares

13     Index Numbers
13.1      Classification of Index number- Price Relative, Price index number, Quantity index number
13.2      Types of Index numbers- Simple Index Number(Simple AM, Simple GM, Simple HM, Simple Aggregate Method),Weighted Index number ( Laspayre’s, Paasche’s , Fisher’s and weighted aggregate Index Numbers)
13.3      Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Number
13.4      Characteristics of Index numbers

13.5      Uses of Index Numbers.